Equipping Item NFTs
How to equip an Item NFT to your Hero NFT
STEP 1: Authorization
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The UI for this is currently a little confusing. When you attempt to equip the first time when you hit mint it is actually performing the authorization. This wll include a small gas fee. It will NOT equip the item. You will then need to do the real equip after the authorization is complete. We are working to improve the UI to better communicate.
The first time that you attempt to equip an item NFT to your hero NFT, you will get an authorization request. This is similar to authorizations on Opensea and other services. You can read more about this on the Equipping Permissions page.
It is required to allow your wallet to interact with the hero NFT contract. Only the wallet that owns the hero NFT can be authorized.
You will only need to do this the first time you interact with a hero NFT that you own. If you buy a new hero NFT or attempt to equip on a different hero NFT they will require new authorizations.
⛽️Gas: This authorization may have a very low gas price - typically $1-$2 when testing. (We cannot control gas prices so this may fluctuate - sometimes very widely.)
One your wallet is authorized to interact with your hero NFT, you can equip items.
Equipping process:
Select the item NFT you want to equip on your hero via the Inventory section of the on the hero's page on pixelwar.com. You will see an [EQUIP] button on the item when you mouse over it.
You will see the item appear in the hero's item loadout (the tray of item icons along the right side of the hero NFT) and a green [MINT] button will appear.
Press the [MINT] button.
A metamask message will appear asking you to approve the transaction and pay gas fees.
Once you approve the transaction the item NFT you selected will be transferred to your hero NFT and the item that was previously equipped to the hero NFT in that slot will be transferred to your wallet.
⛽️Gas: This authorization will have a gas price - typically $4-$6 when testing. (We cannot control gas prices so this may fluctuate - sometimes very widely.)
Last updated