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Dwarves are physically very similar to humans but notably, they have very heightened senses compared to humans, and they are also much stronger on average. The point at which they diverged from humans has been lost to the ashes of history, but they are mostly the same as humans, which is why it isn't entirely uncommon for dwarves and humans to marry and have children. Most notably, dwarves are gifted in ways which can make one question if they are telepathic. For example, dwarves are expert navigators, and can locate items and locations with pinpoint precision, without any detectable hint, as if they simply divine the location. This “sense” is very useful when searching for valuable, precious materials, and is partially why dwarves tend to mine for metals. Additionally, dwarves are very musical and love to sing, so they relish the thought of spending days or weeks on mining excavations in empty, reverberant caves. There are two tribes of mainland dwarves, each led by one of two brothers, divided by ethical differences and disputes over imperialism versus diplomacy. Solmur observes the nature of societies, and is an accomplished scholar and through his studies he learned much about different types of governments, alliances, and partnerships. His belief is that cooperation and diplomacy pave the most direct paths to prosperity and longevity. His core ethos holds that there are more important things to make life meaningful, and he devotes his efforts to collaboration and peaceful integration with the other races on Pixelos. Nalur, the younger brother, sees conquest as the best way to provide for his people. Observing the natural order and observing predation and tribal dynamics shaped his belief that only through domination can a people truly prosper and evolve.
The Dwarves of Solum coexist with the humans, therianthropes and all other races which inhabit Solum. They use their strength and high tolerance to cold to explore the tundras, expanding the reach of Solum and gathering materials from the mountaintops. Chief among these is “frozen sol”: a highly malleable metal which softens under direct sunlight, and can then be freely shaped by hand, without the need for fire. Solumerian dwarves are also skilled builders and they lend their strength and endurance to construct walls and other important architecture. Leader: Solmur, the Gavel
The Dwarves of Fontuum are secluded on the Island of Fontuum, which was chosen for its separation from the mainland. Frustrated with his brother’s aversion to war, Nalur grew to despise his brother Solmur because of what he considered Solmur’s cowardice. He recruited a troop of his fiercest fighters and left the kingdom. They planned to overtake the nearby city-state of Tezotia but the siege of the city was fruitless; they weren’t numerous enough to overtake any other kingdoms. They refused to integrate, so their search for independence led them to the comparatively defenseless island of Fontuum, which was mostly inhabited by small tribes and wildlife. They quickly acclimated to the elements, tamed the wildlife and drove the Gnolls into the forests on the island. They don’t trade with most of the world, and only send emissaries when necessary. The Fontuum dwarves do however trade with Cardas because they like the Cardasian way of life, due to the similar way Cardasians interact with nature and wildlife. Fontuum dwarves believe the only way to preserve peace is by forcing defeated enemies into compliance. Some respect and admire their strength, while others fear it. They believe that if conquered by strong, benevolent peoples, over time, most assimilate. Leader: Nalur, the Warhammer
Nomadic Dwarves - Not all dwarves are made equal. While dwarves are known for their brute strength and affinity for building (and demolition), some prefer to see the plane and appreciate the brevity of their lives by experiencing as wide an array of cultures and peoples as possible. They feel a life of wandering and exploring is a life well lived. The more traveled and cultured a dwarf’s life, the more honor their pursuits being to their name and their lineage. Nomadic dwarves often travel alone, but when trekking very large distances or setting out on new escapades, they will often travel in groups. A solitary dwarf in any locale is likely to have been there for a majority of their life, and thus they tend to be expert guides, trackers and cartographers. They are likely fluent in the local language and are very well versed in the local lore. Leader: None, since they are very diasporic.
Half-Dwarves are dispersed all over the place. They are similar to hobbits or tieflings from other planes. The most remarkable thing about them is their expert culinary skills.
Frozen Sol: Due to its high density it needs to be broken apart in order to be transported off of the Solum Heights. Therefore it can only be mined in lulls between snowstorms, when the sun can shine through and soften it, making it possible to pull off in clumps. After shaping and forging, it is hardened by a process called Solmurizing, which is a process of submerging the metal in a pool of melted ice from the caps of the Solum Heights. The Solum Heights are the tallest mountains on Pixelos and reach high up into the clouds, collecting a variety of minerals from waters all over the planet. This makes the ice very high in cardalium and other minerals from the Cardasian Jungle which reacts with the Frozen Sol to harden it. Once hardened the only foundries capable of melting it are at the base of the notoriously dangerous Mt Naul.