🗡️Melee Weapons

Melee Weapon Types

  • Sword

  • Axe

  • Mace

  • Whip

  • Dagger

  • Fist

Melee weapons are further broken down into subtypes:

Melee Weapon SubtypesIncluded WeaponsRestrictions

Great Weapons

Polearms, Great Swords, Great Axes, Great Maces

Fast Weapons

Swords, Daggers, Whips, Fists, Axes

Blunt Weapons


Melee Damage Types

Melee weapons have three basic damage types: Slash, Pierce, and Bash. While they often align with a weapon type, there are sometimes exceptions. For example, most swords do Slash damage, but rapiers inflict Pierce damage.

Melee Damage TypeAspect AlignmentMechanics

Less effective against Medium, Heavy armor

Absorb is less effective against Pierce

Absorb is more effective against Bash

Last updated